November 5, 2008

What Economic Development Is and Does

Over the next four articles, I am going to outline what I believe economic development will look like going forward, and how this relates to the vote on December 9th for an economic development tax.  I want to do this so that the readers of this article will hopefully better understand what I do here at the Chamber, and what I envision we will be able to do with this tax.  As it goes with any vote that increases a tax on the citizens and goes to a governmental agency, there is automatic questions that arise, and justifiably so.  I am that way, and believe that as citizens we should question our government in ways that we don’t always agree.  That is our right as American citizens and anything other than that would be disappointing to me. 

Economic Development is as broad as it is wide.  It is an all encompassing phrase that at times can be hard to understand.  It’s a phrase that a person can twist to fit to what they think it should be, or what they think it should be for.  As a rule for my position and what I do here, economic development is an effort I undertake to either retain, enhance, or create jobs for the people of Independence County.  If what I do fulfills any of those three criteria, I believe I am doing my job.  As with any job, that I have or that you have, you need tools to do your job.  I have talked previously about incentives, and the need for them in our competitive day and time.  I wont talk too much about that in this space here, but I will say they are an important part of what I do.  More importantly, and what comes before incentives are ever offered, is making sure that those outside of Arkansas are aware of us, that we exist, and what the characteristics of our community are.  The core characteristics of our community will make us competitive almost immediately once they are brought out in the open and shown to site consultants, and others who could be interested.  But there is a literal cost in producing those materials, to send those out, and to create those materials.  We will have to market ourselves to the outside community so they know we exist, and that we can deliver what they are looking for. 

Another aspect that is important that we as a community understand as well as the outside is what our strengths are as a county.  I will advocate for a trusted and experienced group to come in and help us formulate a long term strategy to recruit companies to our area.  I have an idea of what would be great types of industry to recruit to our area.  But, I would be doing a disservice to you, the taxpayer, if I spent time and your money on things that would end up not being a good fit for us, or that we don’t have the resources to attract.  We have to know what we can attract, what is a good fit for us, and what we need to plan for.  In 1986, Jonesboro did just this exact thing.  They brought in a firm who told them about the industry they could attract, and what they needed to do to ensure that.  I will advocate we do the same so that we don’t waste one taxpayers dime on efforts that do not provide a solid return on their sacrifice.

Economic Development is also helping companies around the county as they work to increase their workforce, or make improvements that will aid in them remaining competitive and as a result staying in business.  Since the Copeland announcement, I have had several calls from businesses about monies available to help them in their expansions.  I have told them about this effort, and they are in support of it as well, and understand how it can help them.  The board that will work with the economic developer will make the suggestions to the quorum court about projects just like this, and we will be actively seeking out companies to help, to invest  your dollars in to, to help them create new jobs, help them keep jobs here, or help them in other ways.

The other reality about economic development is looking to the future, while dealing with current issues.  It would be a disservice to the taxpayers if these leaders did not look to the future and think of what needs will be.  These funds can be used to issue bonds for purposes related to economic development, and that can include new road infrastructure, industrial park, or other improvements for the community to make it competitive long term.  This is a key part of what it will take to be competitive, and to enhance our community for the good of the taxpayers.  All of these things will be done will transparency and reporting to the public.  Any taxpayer of Independence County will be able to view records about our efforts, minutes of meetings, and have an understanding of what is going on with their money.  They will be able to view financial records, and know what their money is being spent on.

Its important to understand what economic development is, what it does, and I hope in today’s article I have outlined the key areas of this proposal.  Please contact me if you have questions about this or any other article on this subject.

November 3, 2008


The major issue in tomorrow’s Presidential election is not the economy, as many political pundits would have you believe. Nor is it illegal aliens, though that is certainly an issue begging for resolution. There is really only one issue that every Christian American voter must weigh; the issue of abortion.

The Bible, I and II Kings and I and II Chronicles, often mentions an Israelite king commonly referred to as "Jeroboam, son of Nebat, who caused all Israel to sin". What did this evil ruler do that forever labeled him as the king that "caused all Israel to sin"? He sacrificed children to the god Molech, which was an abomination to the Sovereign Lord, the Almighty God. In Ezekiel 20:30-36, the Sovereign Lord says that when God’s people “sacrifice their sons in the fire”, the people defile themselves, and that He will execute judgment on the nation, as He judged the fathers in the desert of the land of Egypt.”

The abortion of unborn, innocent children is murder, an abomination, and a stench in the nostril of the Lord. Since the Roe vs. Wade decision 1n 1973, more than 45,000,000 babies have been killed in this country. That’s an average of 1.28 million a year, 107,000 a month, 3,500 a day, 60 an hour, one every minute of every day! How can anyone think that our Heavenly Father will ignore such an atrocity?

We have lost more Americans to abortion, than the combined total of Americans that have died in the 12 wars from the Revolutionary War to the current Iraq/Afghanistan conflict. 64 times as many! One in every 4 deaths in America is due to abortion.

The abortion problem spans every ethnic group. 41% of Whites have aborted one or more babies, as have 34% of Blacks, 17% of Hispanics and 6% of Asians.

It gets worse. 37.4% of those who had an abortion are Protestants who claim Christ as their savior. 31.3% are Catholics who also claim Christ as their savior.

The proponents of Pro-Choice are quick to say that many abortions are performed because of health issue with the mother or baby, or because the mother was a victim of rape or incest. That is a lie. Only 1% of all abortions were performed because the mother was a victim of rape or incest. Only 6% of all abortions were performed because of health issue with the mother or baby. Fully 93% of all abortions were performed because it was “inconvenient” to have a baby. That’s the Real “Inconvenient Truth”. For 35 years this nation has been murdering it’s unwanted children. God cannot be pleased with us.

This year’s election boils down to a choice between two candidates; Barack Obama and Joe Biden, who have consistently endorsed and voted for Pro-Choice legislation, and John McCain and Sarah Palin who have consistently endorsed and voted for Pro-Life legislation. I believe that God’s Word makes it plain that a vote for the Obama/Biden ticket in this election is tantamount to sin, because it aids and abets the continuation of this horrible atrocity.

II Chronicles 7:14 promises if “My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” If you voted early, and you voted for the Obama/Biden ticket, repent and be forgiven. 1 John 1:9 says “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

If you haven’t yet voted, please choose to vote for those who will strive to end the abominable practice of abortion, and trust God, not the politicians, “to heal our land”.
