September 19, 2008

The Presidential Race

I Hope everyone is keeping up with this presidential election. I feel there is more at stake this time possibly than ever before. The choice really seems very clear to me. Sometimes we have to take a close look at History to see where we really are now. Let's review!From 1992 until 2000 we had a president who basically took credit for anything that worked, disowned his failures, and covered up his improprieties...if he could, or should I say until he was caught red handed. Thanks to a "free market" thinking congress however, the economy was good. This president had cut back defense spending and our military/intelligence community to dangerously low levels, and allowed a Terrorist named "Osahma Bin Ladin", who had claimed responsibility for a failed bombing of the "World Trade Center", to escape justice after being targeted no less than 10 times by a CIA task force. During the Clinton administration Americans were attacked by the same terrorist organization approximately five times both on American soil and in various other locations around the world, including at American embassies. Other than this it was a pretty peaceful time.

In 2001 we got a new president. Thank God! Thank God for George Bush! We needed him in September of that same year. Well. You know what happened. I'm thankful that in that dangerous hour we had someone of courage, conviction, and resolve at the helm.He could have chosen as Clinton did, when our fellow citizens and military personnel were attacked during his watch. He could have basically ignored the attacks or merely “rattle sabers by ordering another "Largely Symbolic" bombing run on a suspected terrorist hosting country like Afghanistan. Some say he only did this to distract us from hurricane Monica.

Perhaps the enemy had been testing the waters with the previous smaller attacks. Maybe he assumed that the weakness exhibited by the Clinton administration was indicative of the American frame. Perhaps this enemy was not a student of our history. He might have believed some of the left wing revisionist history which is being largely taught in our schools, particularly in institutions of higher learning. Well, that's a subject for another blog.

George Bush understood this people called America. Though the military had been weakened by budget cuts and closed military bases, he understood that our armed forces were still the greatest on the face of the earth. Bush knew that we the American people could never ignore such an attack against our citizens and indeed our very way of life.

Regardless of what the left says now, "Bush was wrong! Bush was wrong!” a large majority of THEM having the same intelligence voted for the same war and rightly so! After 9/11 Intelligence agencies around the world said that another attack within the next thirteen months was inevitable! Time was of the essence! Hit them fast, and hit them where it hurts! Take out the immediate threat! The past seven years without an attack on American soil proves that this task was accomplished due to the deliberate and decisive actions of the Bush administration, and the great strength and courage of our fierce warriors in uniform.

A good leader understands that fear is the real enemy and in any conflict, "you never let'em see ya sweat." He knew that if the will of the people was broken they would be defeated. It was important that we show the enemy that he had failed! IT MUST BE BUSINESS AS USUAL! Bush is widely criticized particularly by the left during this presidential election, for telling the people to "go shopping or take a trip". This was a morale issue. The people needed to hear it. The left doesn't understand that this attitude, along with the Bush tax cuts and other economic stimuli, is what helped our economy to recover as quickly as it did.

The Democrats realized after George Bush was elected to his second term that it was time for change. Changing the facts that is, or at least the public perception of the facts. The economy was doing great considering the war we were now in. The Democrats and the liberal media had to focus on another issue...the war itself. If they were to take control of congress, they were going to have to continue to exploit our troop's losses and fail to show our enemy and his atrocities in their true light. Instead Democratic Senators like John Mirtha and John Kerry would began accusing and yes even convicting our troops of Horrific Wartime Atrocities before there were even hearings on them. Our soldiers were later exonerated by the way, in case you haven't kept up. They would have to convince the public that, this war, this unjust and even criminal act perpetrated by George Bush was, in the words of Democratic Senator Harry Reid, " lost". They had to make the case that George Bush's party was the party of an unjust and lost war.

This strategy was pretty successful. The republicans lost 30 seats in congress that year. In January of 07 Nancy Pelosi and the Dems took power with promises to tax and penalize the productive, and break the backs of the oil companies. The economy has gotten steadily worse since the Democrats took control. Their threats against the oil companies and productive members of our society in the form of added tax and regulation have caused the markets to wince. These are the things that cause industry to leave. The Bush tax cuts were largely responsible for saving our economy after 9/11 and Democrats have threatened to discontinue them. If the people have more money, they spend more money, imagine that. I think Democrats were absent the day "Supply and Demand" were taught in economics class.

Just in the past few days we've seen the toll that greed and the "democratic socialist" economic philosophy, has had on several big lending institutions. Led by John McCain, the Republicans introduced to the house and senate, the "Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005", and the Democrats KILLED it. This legislation would have imposed stricter oversight on Sub-Prime mortgage lenders and possibly averted this recent financial catastrophe. The Dems, of course, say that the whole thing is Bush's fault. The giveaway mentality of "Rights without Responsibility" does not work! Health care is a good example. If government provides the health care then they can dictate not only what care you get, but how you should live and take care of yourself.

The God-given rights listed by the Constitution are not "Life, Liberty, and Happiness", but they are, "Life , Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness". The gift giver reserves complete power and authority over the size, type, and nature of the gift. The next logical step in this downward spiraling staircase is for the government to get into the house building business on an even larger scale than it is, although I realize that there are already myriads of government housing programs.

To be continued....

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