March 4, 2009

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Visits Israel and PA

On Tuesday March 3rd United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made her first visit to Israel as Secretary of State and announced that the United States would be “vigorously engaged” in the creation of a Palestinian Authority state. As the conversation continued Clinton commented that “There is no time to waste”.
The idea of creating a PA state within the nation of Israel is not a new concept. Going back in history we find that the idea existed even in the 1920’s. Yet the questions arise “What are the ramifications to Israel and the United States for such an action?” and “What is America’s incentive?” For years Israel has contributed to the lives of the American people by exporting items such as flowers, fruit, spices, plastics, and technology, as well as diamonds that have been milled in Israel. On the other hand what has the Palestinian Authority offered America? In an article published by Arutz Sheva last week the PA was declared as being the leader in the Arab world of Anti-American feelings.
Concerning the ramifications of such an action for Israel and the United States we find in scripture a warning to the nations that part the land.
Joel 3:1-2 For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.
What benefits would the creation of a PA state give to Israel? It would create a haven for groups like Hamas and Fatah to continue in their terrorist acts against Israel. It would not appease the Arabs and we know this by looking at the concessions that Israel has made in the past in giving up land for peace and receiving only more terrorism against its citizens.
What benefits would the creation of a PA state give to the United States? It will embolden a people who have blatantly vowed to destroy the "Great Satan" (referring to the United States.) It will encourage the expansion of a society that has from old been known to exist in chaos and fear, controlled by the ruthless few. It will reward the other Arab states for being unwilling to take care of their own. In short, instead of "bringing peace", it will encourage and enable the very terrorism that is already threatening western society.
I find it interesting that Clinton’s trip to Ramallah was protected by anti-terrorism checkpoints – of the same type that the U.S. opposes when they are put up for the protection of Jews in the area. When she leaves the area the checkpoints will be removed and the Arabs will once again be allowed to travel through the area.
Her meeting with Israel follows a conference in Egypt, where she pledged $900 million in US aid money towards rebuilding Hamas-ruled Gaza. In my opinion I see very little good coming from any of this yet hope that there are things that I do not see that will be beneficial to both Israel and the United States.

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