May 4, 2009

Basics of Government

Charles R. Fuqua

Reward good behavior and punish bad behavior

The purpose of government is to reward good behavior and punish bad behavior. What behavior is good, and what behavior is bad? Murder, rape, and theft are bad behaviors. Hard work, productivity, and serving the needs of others are good behaviors. A system of government that benefits the most people is a system that punishes bad behavior and rewards good behavior.

The nature of man - greedy, lazy, self centered, selfish, envious, and cruel

In order to understand what type of government benefits those who are governed, we must understand the nature of man. I use the term man in its gender neutral sense as all of mankind. What is the nature of man? Man is greedy, lazy, self -centered, selfish, envious, and cruel. How do we know that this is the nature of man? We only need to look at a child. These are the behaviors we see in children. We must teach children not to be this way. People often speak of the innocence of children, and they do have a degree of innocence do to their inexperience and ignorance of the ways of the world. However, anyone who has observed children and adolescents knows that most children exhibit these characteristics and must be taught not to exhibit these behaviors. We see people, who have not matured, that exhibit these behaviors throughout their lives.

Socialism - the purpose of everyone is to serve the dictator

Karl Marx, the father of Communism, said that in the perfect socialist world, everyone would give according to his ability and receive according to his need. This is a beautiful concept, except for the fact that it ignores the nature of man. Throughout history, and throughout the world today, evil dictators have favored socialism. Why is this? It is because socialism gives the evil dictator absolute power over everyone. We have many examples of this, Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Hugo Chavez, the list is endless. The evil dictator uses the pretext of helping the poor, to use government as an instrument of theft to take the property of those who have worked hard and prospered, to give to the powerless. In doing this the evil dictator accomplishes two purposes. First he satisfies the greed and envy of the powerless who are unable to challenge his absolute rule. Secondly he removes the means of anyone who could possibility challenge his rule. Those who clamor that the rich should be relieved of their property so that the poor can benefit, do not realize that they are destroying the only obstacle to absolute tyranny, and sealing their own fate as total slaves of the dictator. To ignore this fact is to ignore history. A socialist dictator will use whatever means necessary to maintain his absolute power. All socialist dictators maintain power by maintaining a reign of terror. All opposition, and suspected opposition is brutally crushed and eliminated. The entire purpose of the government is to maintain the power of, and satisfy the desires of, the dictator.

Freedom - each person is able to pursue his own desires and enjoy the fruits of his own labors, as long as he does not infringe on the freedom of others.

In a free nation the government punishes bad behaviors such as theft, rape and murder so that each person can work as hard as he chooses to become as prosperous as his abilities will allow. If there is a free market, the only people that can prosper are those who work to satisfy the needs of others. A free market system harnesses the true nature of man and channels it for the benefit of all, rather than just the benefit of the dictator. Since wealth is power, no one can become all powerful because no one can satisfy the needs of everyone else. The fact that there are many wealthy people is a check on the power of any one person who would try to seize absolute power. This is why those who want the United States to be a socialist dictatorship hate companies like Wal-Mart. Just think about it, Sam Walton became one of the richest men in the world by satisfying the needs of many other people. That is detestable to those who love socialism.

Americans now clamor for Socialism

We just elected Barrack Obama as president of the United States. He campaigned on a platform of socialism and is now working to move the United States into socialism as fast as he can. He wants to redistribute the wealth. That means that he wants to use the government to punish good behavior and reward bad behavior. Those who have accumulated wealth have done so by working hard satisfying the needs of others, and have saved, and invested what they have earned. He wants to use government to reward bad behavior. Those who have been irresponsible and purchased a home that they cannot afford will be rewarded by taking money away from those who have been responsible and made their house payment. Those who have been greedy by demanding so much from GM that they have bankrupted their employer will have their wages subsidized by workers who make far less than they do because the UAW supports Democratic candidates. Government is used as an instrument of theft to gain and maintain political power.

The Democratic Party is the Socialist Party

I know many Democrats that say that they do not support socialism. However, the Democratic Party has become the socialist party. If you support any Democratic candidate in any election for any office you support socialism and all the other evil planks of the Democratic party, gun control, pedophilia, abortion, irresponsible government spending, debt slavery, soft on crime, weak military, illegal immigration, the global warming hooks, and the legalization of drugs.

Two kinds of Democrats - evil and ignorant

There are only two kinds of Democrats. Those who ignorantly support the party of their parents even though the party does not stand for anything they nor their parents believe in, and those who are evil and desire to turn the United States into a socialist dictatorship.

Please e-mail the author Mr. Charles R. Fuqua
if you have any questions or comments.

1 comment:

  1. Can anyone verify or debunk the following e-mail I had forwarded to me? Thanks.

    A Page From History:

    Norman Mattoon Thomas (November 20, 1884 to December 19, 1968) was a leading American socialist, pacifist, and six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America.

    The Socialist Party candidate for President of the US., Norman Thomas, said this in a 1944 speech:

    "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of "liberalism," they will adopt every fragment of the socialist
    program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.! "

    He went on to say: "I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democrat Party has adopted our platform."

    "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.."

    ~~Margaret Thatcher~~


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