May 9, 2009

Release Guantanamo Bay Prisoners?

I get the idea that we don't want to be terrorists our selves by torturing possible innocent people but I also understand that the terrorists are playing by a whole different set of rules when it comes to the treatment of the individual. It seems like a walk in the park for some extremists to behead an innocent man on video and then broadcast it on the internet for the world to see. I honestly haven't done much research for myself on the enhanced interrogation techniques such as water boarding and how the sleep deprivation was done. However it would seem that if these enhanced techniques would save innocent American lives by the thousands, the end would justify the means. The question becomes difficult to decipher if you want to treat an enemy combatant like an American citizen, (innocent until proven guilty) with rights. The issue is easier to deal with if the suspected terrorist is just that, an enemy combatant. I would like to hear your thoughts on the Gitmo detainees. What do you think? Should we shut it down and let the terrorists go? Should we shut it down and give the terrorists a trial as if they are U.S. citizens? Should we shut it down and simply move the terrorists to a different location? Should we keep things going as they are? What do you think our U.S. policy should be? Do you believe the current administration has a pre 9/11 mentality? Comments are welcome.

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